Many people want to get beautiful bright white teeth because of their effect on their appearance and attractiveness There are many modern techniques used to beautify teeth, veneers are considered one of the latest modern techniques.
A veneer is a thin layer of material placed over the surface of the teeth, the thinner the layer of material is the more aesthetically appealing it is. The mechanism of using veneers differs from one person to another, as smiles differ from person to another, so differences must be taken into consideration to use veneers in an efficient way. A thin layer of teeth (~0.03mm) is removed and then the veneer is placed over the teeth surface. Veneers align the teeth and close gaps between them so they appear uniform and consistent.
Sometimes, when people smile the gums are visible. So the dentist removes a part of it using lasers and this process is called Reshaping after that veneer is placed over the tooth. There is no kind of pain when we remove gums with lasers. We can choose the whiteness of the veneers depending on the patient’s desire. The veneer is attached to the RelyX mechanism with the use of UV light so the cementation does not interact with teeth and gums over time so no problems arise. When using veneers it is recommended that the patient checks up with the dentist at least every three months to follow up. The patient must follow the instructions in order to not drop the veneer. The dentist must double check that the patient can bite and check teeth health to make sure that patient got the beautiful smile without impacting other factors negatively that may lead to problems with chewing.